Demand for Drone Pilots are predicted in 2025 to increase Six Hundred Percent (600%). In addition, the Drone Industry is predicted to grow to over a $140 BILLION Dollar Industry. Our Licensed Drone Pilot Program trains students to obtain skills that make them versatile and valuable in piloting Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (also called UAVs). As a student in the Licensed Drone Pilot Program, students are taught to responsibly learn Federal Aviation rules and regulations and also operate a Drone controlling it's take off, flights, keeping it on course, performing missions and landing the drone safely. Students will learn to demonstrate an understanding of the regulations, operating requirements, and safety procedures of flying drones. They will be instructed in how to plan flight paths, assemble maps, maintain the drone, and control the vehicle for the entirety of its mission, ensuring that they learn how to conduct safety tests, utilize cameras and other communication equipment, and operate extension functions attached to the Drone that allow it to pick up, deposit, or in some way manipulate materials, gather data, footage and/or digital images.
After successful completion of this course, each student will be fully prepared to take the Federal Aviation Administration Remote Pilot Certificate test (also known as the Part 107 License) and they will have also obtained the required 40 hours or more of documented flying experience.
After obtaining the FAA Remote Pilot Certification, students will be qualified to obtain employment in many fields as a Licensed Commercial Drone Pilot, an Avionics Mechanic and/or an Advanced Electronics Technician. In addition, both the US Military and the CIA use drone technology as part of their strategies. Drone Pilots can go places that humans cannot; therefore, they are ideal for tasks such as emergency supply deliveries, search and rescue missions, military efforts, and photographing places that are not easily accessible. With an increase in natural disasters and an emphasis on efficiency and decreased workload in many fields, the need for Drone Pilots and Drones are now becoming commonplace in a plethora of industries—from film and television productions to insurance, to power and energy and surveillance, to food and product deliveries and also in the United States Army!
Drone Pilot Students will also Intern at First Power Media Group and earn professional IMDB Industry Credits by working on actual Aerial Shots for Film and Television Productions for Z Super Channel and its family of Television Networks. Z Super Channel broadcasts on the ROKU platform in over 61+ Million Homes throughout the U.S. and in over 29 countries worldwide. IMDB is the standard Industry Media Data Base used by Hollywood Professionals to hire Cast and Crew.
Lab Projects and a Business Etiquette for Employment Preparation Course are also required.